Upstyle Blogger Traffic Program
How does it work?
The Blogger Traffic Program is an incentive program for bloggers that helps you grow your traffic and audience and reach. For every 3 (existing) blog posts you share on Upstyle, we give you a direct feature in our daily newsletter, with a link back to your blog. Bloggers in the program see an average of 2k+ clicks to their blog for every direct feature, which translates to a boost in revenue and more subscribers.

What types of posts are you looking for?
Our goal at Upstyle is to help women personalize their wardrobe by creating looks they love through DIY, upcycling, sewing, and styling clothing.
We look for posts that meet the following criteria:
1. Includes a step by step tutorial
2. Includes images showing most of the steps
3. Contains a minimum of 4 pictures and 180 words
Here are a couple of examples of posts that meet these criteria:
Do I need to create new content?
Nope! The beauty of the program is that you can share existing blog posts from years past so there’s no extra work required on your part!
What is a direct feature?
A direct feature is when a link to your blog post is included in Upstyle’s daily email. Our daily email goes out to over 1M users, and a direct feature can result in anywhere from 1k- 3k new page views to your blog!
How often can I get featured?
You earn one feature for every 3 blog posts you share on Upstyle. You can earn one feature per month.
How to upload a post on Upstyle
Click "+ Tutorial post" in the top right corner. You'll be taken to our posting process where you will be able to add your tutorial. By posting on Upstyle, you're agreeing to our terms of use.

How to edit a post on Upstyle
Want to make some changes? No problem! Click on the three dots next to your post title, and you’ll see the option to “Edit post”.

Don’t forget to add your direct feature links!
Once you have posted 3 posts to Upstyle, make sure to add in your direct feature links. These are 3 links to any post on your blog for our content team to choose from when they pick your direct feature. These CAN be the same as the posts on Upstyle, but we recommend adding in some new ones as well that our audience hasn’t seen yet.
To add in your blog links, hover over your profile picture, and choose “My Dashboard”. Scroll down to this section, and add in 3 links and click “update”.

When our team chooses your feature link and schedules your feature, you’ll get an email from us letting you know which link has been chosen to be featured on what date.
If the content team feels that something is missing from your post, they’ll mark it with a reason, and you’ll get an email letting you know that you’ll need to add something to bring your post up to a quality score 2. (You can also see this on your dashboard as well).
Your blogger dashboard is also the best place to check on the status of your recipes, your feature links, and your feature status.
To check the quality score of your recipes, you can take a look at your dashboard, but clicking on “My Dashboard” under your profile picture. Make sure you choose “Blogger” from the dashboard tabs if you have more than one tab showing.
Here you’ll be able to see your Feature Status (if you are in the queue for a feature, or if you still don’t have enough qualifying posts), and when you qualified for your last feature. You’ll also be able to see which recipes have qualified towards your next feature.