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Meet the Creator of the Month: Hannah Somerville

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Hannah Somerville is a caring person who encourages other people to unlock their creative side. She says the more people creating the better! One of her favorite parts of crafting is showing others how to do it themselves.

Growing up with an artist for a mother, she was always inspired to play with colors and create. Hannah loves showing others how to create things with resin. Her Hometalk page and her Youtube channel are easy to follow, whether you're a beginner or have already worked with resin before.

Your resin projects are so unique and beautiful. How did you get into working with resin?

So I got into resin around the same time I started my YouTube channel which was 2 years ago last month. I was sort of casually adding videos until the start of this year when I made it a full time thing. I think me discovering resin and coming up again that artistic silence we talked about was where the YouTube inspiration first came from.

What inspires you?

Being able to help others learn to craft. I feel like often-times people are intimidated because some "tutorials" are not easy enough and don't help beginners. I like to make my art easy to follow and accessible. There shouldn't be an ownership over art and creating, people should be more willing to help others.

Which of your projects is your favorite?

This isn't an easy answer. I love working with resin, but one of my favorite projects is much different than I'm used to. I like my wire and cement cactus because I got out of my comfort zone and did something different. And people seemed to really enjoy this product as it got many views.

You talk a lot about helping others. What advice do you have for other creators?

Do you! Don't compare yourself to how much others are posting or if their projects are harder. It's important to do crafts you're passionate about at a pace that's comfortable for you. It helps not getting burnt out and keeping creative juices flowing.

Who is one of your biggest supporters?

One of them is my mum who thinks anything I touch turns to gold, bless her! She's always telling her friends about my videos back home, people I wouldn't normally meet myself.

Do you have a favorite kind of craft to create? If not, do you have favorite colors you like to work with?

I really enjoy blues and greens. I like peacock-like colors which you can see on my page. One way I really incorporate those colors is using them as waves in water. But I don't want anyone to think I only work with those colors so I definitely have projects with all colors like pinks and purples.

How did you hear about Hometalk?

I heard about Hometalk when someone contacted me on Instagram and asked if I'd be interested in becoming a creator. From there I had a chat with a community manager and decided it was absolutely something I wanted to do and started right away.

How has Hometalk benefited you the most?

I am really focusing on getting more eyes on my Youtube page and having projects featured helps people discover my Youtube channel. Whatever I can do to direct more people to my page is always helpful.

See more of Hannah's creations on her Hometalk profile, Youtube channel, Instagram and she also sells some of her creations on her Etsy page.

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